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Email transition steps for staff and faculty

If you have a university-provided Windows device, the next time after Monday, February 24 you log into your laptop, you will see a full-screen blue page asking you to complete the transition.

Step 1: Select Complete the transition button. 

Blue screen with a white pop-up box in the center.

Step 2: Once the transition is complete, you will be logged into your main mailbox. When the completion box appears, select Close

White pop-up box.


If you are a laptop user from the below categories, you must complete the activation step manually

  • The laptop was purchased by the Department.
  • The laptop was purchased with research funds.
  • A Mac laptop.
  • A personal laptop.

Read our laptop guides for exceptions.

Move to Step 2: Shared mailboxes

Move to Step 2: Shared mailboxes

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