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Flexible hybrid

Ontario Tech University has installed audio visual equipment in classrooms across the north and downtown locations to provide flexible hybrid learning.  This equipment allows for one of the following functionalities when paired with a compatible device:

  • Flexible hybrid - Synchronous with active participation both in the room and online and the ability for all students to see all other students, OR;
  • Streaming - Synchronous but online participants can only view what is happening in the classroom.

Details regarding classroom and meeting room locations, room capacity and instruction manuals can be found below.  

Things you need to know

  • I am an Ontario Tech employee and would like to use the equipment

    In order to ensure optimal functionality with the flexible hybrid equipment, your Ontario Tech laptop must have a USB-C connection and up-to-date drivers and firmware.  If you are unsure if your device is compatible, please submit a ticket to the IT Service Desk at least two weeks prior to the event with the following details:

    • Your name and Banner number.
    • Asset tag of the device that you wish to use with flexible hybrid equipment.

    An IT Services representative will confirm if your device is compatible or requires an update.   If an update is required, a Software Support Analyst will reach out to provide next steps.

    IT Services recommends configuring your device settings and testing with the equipment prior to the event (Note:  you must be connected to the flexible hybrid equipment in order to complete this set up).   If you require assistance, please submit a ticket to the IT Service Desk. 

  • I have an external visitor who will be presenting
    IT Services recommends booking a flexible hybrid loaner laptop for use by external visitors.

    Submit a ticket to the IT Service Desk requesting a flexible hybrid loaner laptop (note that you must specify "Flexible Hybrid" loaner laptop when submitting the request) and provide the following details:

    • Your name and Banner number as the loaner will be assigned to you (an Ontario Tech employee).
    • Date you would like to borrow the laptop (this is a daily laptop loaner and must be returned to the service desk at the end of the day).
    Pick up the loaner laptop and review all instructions on how to configure the device. Instructions are provided on the device desktop (wallpaper) once you power it on and sign in. 

    IT Services recommends configuring your device settings and testing with the equipment prior to the event (Note:  you must be connected to the flexible hybrid equipment in order to complete this set up).   If you require assistance, please submit a ticket to the IT Service Desk. 

  • I am organizing an event and students would like to present with their personal machine
    IT Services recommends booking a loaner laptop in the event that a student is required to present their material using the flexible hybrid equipment.  IT has tested Ontario Tech issued devices but personal devices may not be compatible with the flexible hybrid equipment.

    Submit a ticket to the IT Service Desk requesting a flexible hybrid loaner laptop (note that you must specify "Flexible Hybrid" loaner laptop when submitting the request) and provide the following details:

    • Your name and Banner number as the loaner will be assigned to you (an Ontario Tech employee).
    • Date you would like to borrow the laptop (this is a daily laptop loaner and must be returned to the service desk at the end of the day).
    Pick up the loaner laptop and review all instructions on how to configure the device. Instructions are provided on the device desktop (wallpaper) once you power it on and sign in. 

    IT Services recommends configuring your device settings and testing with the equipment prior to the event (Note:  you must be connected to the flexible hybrid equipment in order to complete this set up).   If you require assistance, please submit a ticket to the IT Service Desk. 

  • I am hosting an Ontario Tech event using flexible hybrid equipment

    Submit a ticket to the IT Service Desk at least three weeks prior to the event with the following details:

    • Name of the event.
    • Date and room number(s).
    • Asset tag of laptop(s) being used.

    Laptops must have a USB-C connection and up-to-date drivers and firmware to ensure optimal functionality. If you are unsure if your device is compatible, please indicate in your ticket that you would like IT to check your device.

    IT Services recommends configuring your device settings and testing with the equipment prior to the event (Note:  you must be connected to the flexible hybrid equipment in order to complete this set up).   If you require assistance, please submit a ticket to the IT Service Desk. 

  • I would like to book a flexible hybrid loaner laptop

    Submit a ticket to the IT Service Desk requesting a flexible hybrid loaner laptop (note that you must specify "Flexible Hybrid" loaner laptop when submitting the request) and provide the following details:

    • Your name and Banner number as the loaner will be assigned to you (an Ontario Tech employee).
    • Date and room number where presenting.

    Pick up the loaner laptop and review all instructions on how to configure the device. Instructions are provided on the loaner's desktop (wallpaper) once you power it on and sign in. 

    IT Services recommends configuring your device settings and testing with the equipment prior to the event (Note:  you must be connected to the flexible hybrid equipment in order to complete this set up).   If you require assistance, please submit a ticket to the IT Service Desk.

  • I would like to receive training on the equipment

    Submit a ticket to the IT Service Desk to request flexible hybrid training and an audio visual technician will contact you. Please note:  due to classroom availability, training may take 2 weeks to schedule so please submit your request early.

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