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Installing a printer manually (Windows)

Before you can print, you will need the following:
  • Valid student number and network password.
  • Printer queue you would like to print to. Please note: Each printer will have its unique printer name/queue displayed on a sticker located on each printer.
Important notes:
  • If you are printing a PDF document from a browser, it is recommended to download the PDF first. 
  • Turn off any VPN services before submitting a print job.
  • Ensure you are connected to CAMPUS-AIR and have your IP configuration set to automatic. 
  • Printers can be configured to print in colour or black and white. Please check the printer configuration for some applications, such as Office 365, to change the colour mode.
Check printer configuration


Step 1:     Press  windows logo+ R on your keyboard to open the Run box.

Step 1 pc printer install

Step 2:     Enter the printer queue name in the Open box dependent on your location and select OK.

i.e. \\itdcprt01.oncampus.local\OTAPLIB136-1

Step 3:     Windows Security box will appear. (Please note: If you do not receive the login prompt below, skip to step 5.)

Step 2 pc printer install

Step 4:     In the User name box, enter ONCAMPUS\YourStudentNumber (i.e. ONCAMPUS\100123456) and your network password. Check the Remember my credentials box and select OK.

Step 3 pc printer install

Step 5:     The Windows Printer Installation box will appear. Your computer is now installing the printer queue driver.  

Installing a printer manually for Windows - step 5

Step 6:     The below box will appear to confirm the printer queue has been installed. Close the box by selecting the X in the top-right corner.

Installing a printer manually for Windows - step 6

You are now ready to print your document.

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