Google Drive - FAQs
What types of documents can I create in Google Drive?
You can create documents, spreadsheets, presentations and drawings.
How do I share a document?
Google Docs application allows you to collaborate on documents and share them with other people in real-time. Find out more about sharing documents.
Can I share documents I create in Google Drive with people outside of my domain?
Yes, this option has been enabled by your Google Apps administrator.
How do I create a Google document?
Within your OntarioTechU.Net account, select the Drive tab. Select the Create button and select the document type (Folder, Document, Presentation, Spreadsheet, Form, Drawing).
How do I edit a Google document?
For information on editing a Google Doc consult the following Getting Started Guides:
- Document Google Docs Overview.
- Spreadsheet Google Docs Spreadsheets Overview.
- Presentation Google Docs Presentations Overview.
- Form Google Forms Overview.
- Drawing Google Docs Drawings Overview.
How do I delete a Google document?
For information on removing files, folders and Google Docs you no longer use from Drive, please visit Google Support.
How do I change the owner of a Google document?
If you are the owner of a Google Doc, you can assign ownership of the Doc to another OntarioTechU.Net user. Google provides instructions on changing the owner from within the document or through the Docs list at the following link. Google Docs Change owner of your docs.
How do I manually upload files to Google Drive?
Google Drive allows you to upload and store files in the cloud. For information on how you can manually upload both files and folders, please visit Google Support.
Getting Help for Google Docs
Google has excellent online help articles. In Google Drive, select the Gear icon in the upper-right corner of the screen, select Help and then select the topic in which you have interest. Or browse directly to Google Drive Help.